We have news FASTER-CSIRT (CZ)
In recent days, the Faster CZ security team has been registered with Trusted Introducer (TI), which forms the trusted backbone of the infrastructure services and brings together European national, academic and commercial security teams.

One of TI’s key activities is the accreditation and certification of security teams according to their proven and verified level of maturity, including maintaining a list of these teams, which ultimately facilitates and streamlines their cooperation.
Security teams are responsible for the agenda related to the handling of security incidents within their organisation or network. This agenda is very broad and encompasses a multitude of tasks ranging from prevention and awareness, detection, tracking and resolution of incidents, to evaluating lessons learned.
The Trusted Introducer (“TI”) service was established by the European CERT/CSIRT community in 2000 to address common needs and build an infrastructure that would provide critical support to all security teams focused on the resolution and management of security incidents.
Be Faster