Personal data processing

according to GDPR

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a new European Union law that comes into force on 25 May 2018. The GDPR increases the protection of EU citizens’ personal data and imposes new obligations on data controllers and processors. This legal standard is equivalent throughout the EU.

Faster CZ spol. s r.o. places great emphasis on a company-wide security policy, employee confidentiality and compliance with internal guidelines. We maintain the confidentiality of communications, messages, traffic and location data in accordance with the electronic communications act. When processing personal data, we choose such procedural measures in order to maintain maximum protection and security of personal data of our employees and our customers and we have implemented and certified these processes for many years by fulfilling the requirements of the standard according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 27001:2014 – Information Security Management.

The GDPR imposes additional new obligations on data controllers and processors, demonstrating compliance with the principles of the GDPR.

We have revised all our contracts and incorporated clauses into our general terms and conditions that cover data protection issues and further specify our controller-processor relationship.

We have conducted a complete internal analysis of our GDPR-compliant processes, conducted internal audits and updated our risk analysis, both from the perspective of the data controller and the data processor.

We have appointed an internal GDPR officer, the so-called Data Protection Officer (DPO), who monitors our handling of personal data, conducts internal audits, participates in employee training and overall management of the data protection agenda, and keeps records of processing activities.

Customer and partner documents

Faster CZ spol. s r.o. has prepared documents summarizing essential information on the handling and processing of personal data of customers and partners. It describes what personal data we collect, for what purpose we process it, where it is stored, what measures are in place to protect it and, if legal obligations allow us, how to modify or delete it.

Our DPO will be happy to answer any questions and requests you may have at the following email address:

Effective 25 August 2018

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