Data Centre operating rules

Faster CZ spol. s r.o. at Jarní 44 g, 614 00 Brno

I. Introductory provision

  1. The operating rules of the Faster CZ Data Centre (hereinafter referred to as the “Operating Rules” or “Rules”) regulate the conditions for the movement and actions of persons in the premises of the Data Centre (“DC”) operated by Faster CZ spol. s r.o. (hereinafter referred to as the “Provider”) at Brno, Jarní 44g, postal code 614 00.
  2. For the purposes of these regulations, the User is understood to be the entity that has concluded a contract with the provider for the provision of Data Centre services.
  3. For the purposes of these regulations, a Visitor means a person designated by the User, listed on the list of authorised persons.
  4. For the purposes of these regulations, technical equipment means the technology located in the Data Centre, in the area reserved for the user.
  5. Current contacts to the provider’s supervision centre staff means the telephone number +420 533 433 000, +420 516 116 000, the e-mail address and the web portal

II. Definition of areas accessible to visitors

  1. The data centre, further divided into blocks A, B and C, is located in the building of Faster CZ at 44g Jarní Street in Brno Maloměřice. The premises accessible to visitors means the customer entrance to the building, the corridor leading to the entrance door of the Data Centre, the premises of the Data Centre, the atrium and the sanitary facilities on the ground floor of the building. Movement of visitors outside these areas is prohibited.
  2. Visitors to the Data Centre staying in the building and on the premises of Faster CZ are obliged to comply with the regulations related to the activities in the DC, with which they have been acquainted, and they must comply with the OSH regulations, fire regulations (PO), generally applicable regulations, and the standard 33 2000-4-41 on protection against electric shock. In addition, he/she must exercise extreme caution so as not to damage any equipment or endanger the safety of persons.

III. Rules for authorization of persons

  1. The list of authorized persons (hereinafter referred to as “AOC”) is a list that contains the names, email addresses, ID card or passport numbers and telephone numbers of persons authorized by the user to access the technical equipment. The user is obliged to keep the SOO up-to-date. The SOW is an annex to the framework agreement.
  2. In the event that it is absolutely necessary to provide access to a person who is not listed on the SOP, it is possible to carry out additional authorization by sending the user or his/her contact person to the provider by email to a request for additional authorization with the name, telephone number and ID card or passport number of the additionally authorized person. The additional authorisation is valid only once. The same method of authorisation shall also apply in the event that a person not listed on the SOR comes to the Data Centre accompanied by a person listed on the SOR.
  3. Except in the case described in article III, point 2, only persons listed on the TOS shall have access to the Data Centre. Any violation of these rules may result in withdrawal from the contract by the provider.
  4. The user is obliged to acquaint all persons to whom it has granted access to the Data Centre with these operating rules. The User is responsible for their actions and behaviour, or for damages caused by them.

IV. Access to Data Centre

  1. The Data Centre is accessible to Visitors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week unless otherwise specified in the contract.
  2. The visitor must be demonstrably familiar with the operating rules, safety and fire regulations applicable to the data centre, as well as the rules of access to the data centre. The date of the first visit, during which the person will be demonstrably familiar with the above, shall be arranged with a member of the supervision centre staff. Each visitor is required to be demonstrably trained to ensure health and safety and compliance with fire regulations in accordance with section 101(5) of the Labour Code (LC).
  3. Before entering the building, the Visitor must first report by telephone to the supervision centre hotline (see Article I, point 5. for contacts). The visitor enters the Data Centre building through the customer entrance, where he/she waits for the arrival of a supervision centre employee who authorises the entry. The visitor is obliged to present his/her ID card or passport, which is registered in the SOO. The visitor shall then use the access chip on the internal terminal of the customer entrance to log in using a one-time numeric code provided by the supervision centre employee. He/she then uses the access chip to enter the Data Centre and access his/her technology. If the user does not have his/her own chip assigned, a member of the surveillance center staff will escort the user to his/her device in the Data Center.
  4. The access chip is issued to users with rack hosting service free of charge in the number of 1 chip. If the User needs more than one access chip, additional ones will be issued against a refundable deposit up to a maximum of 10 pieces.
  5. In the premises where the technical equipment is located, the User may only perform activities related to the installation and operation of its technical equipment. Any manipulation of shared or other technology is prohibited.
  6. In order to maintain the efficient operation of the data center, the installation of all technical equipment must be performed in accordance with the hardware placement rules according to the rack equipment placement diagram. This diagram is available in the data centre premises, on the website and from the data centre staff. If the installation rules are not followed, the User may be required to adjust the placement of their technology. If no correction is made thereafter, the provider may charge the user a fee for the increased cost of operation.
  7. Visitor movement in the Data Center is monitored by cameras monitored by provider’s employees. The camera footage is stored. The camera system is operated in accordance with the relevant provisions of Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on the protection of personal data, as amended.
  8. When leaving the premises of the Data Centre, the visitor shall contact the employee of the monitoring centre and inform him/her of his/her departure. He/she then uses the access chip (if issued) at the internal terminal of the customer entrance to log out.
  9. In the event that the visitor wishes to remove, bring or replace his/her technical equipment, he/she must report this fact in advance to a member of the supervision centre staff, who will arrange for a report to be drawn up on the actual change in the number or type of technical equipment in the Data Centre. The preparation of an appropriate protocol is not required only for the placement, exchange or removal of user technical equipment for users using the rack housing service. However, such user shall be obliged to inform the supervision centre employee of such change.
  10. The visitor may only take his/her technical equipment from the Data Centre if he/she has paid all his/her obligations to the provider.
  11. It is forbidden to leave any technical equipment or other material in the common areas of the Data Centre. If this happens, the User will be notified in the case of the first such situation and in each subsequent case the provider will charge a handling fee of 1000 CZK excluding VAT.
  12. The user may install new technical equipment in the shared racks only after prior agreement with an employee designated by the provider.
  13. It is strictly forbidden to install cabling outside the technological space reserved by the contract.
  14. It is forbidden to enter the Data Centre area with food, drinks, animals, bulky luggage, in heavily soiled clothing and without wearing shoe covers.
  15. Persons whom the provider believes to be under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances will not be admitted to the Data Center.
  16. Smoking and handling of fire is strictly prohibited throughout the facility. The visitor may only remain on the premises of the Data Centre for such time as is strictly necessary to carry out the work which the contract authorises the visitor to carry out.
  17. Other rights and obligations of the user are defined in the agreement and all its components.
  18. If the user or the visitor incurs damage in connection with a breach of the obligations arising from these regulations, the provider is entitled to demand payment of the costs of rectification.
  19. In the event of a gross violation or repeated violation of these regulations or contractual arrangements related to the Data Centre services, the provider is entitled to withdraw from the contract.

V. Service restrictions due to maintenance

  1. To ensure planned maintenance of the equipment and to ensure work related to the development of the technical infrastructure of the Provider’s telecommunications network, regular time intervals are defined – the so-called “service windows”, namely in the following days and hours:

    (a) Service window “A”: every Tuesday in an odd calendar week from 01:00 to 05:00;
    (b) Service window ‘B’: every Saturday of an even calendar week between 14:00 and 19:00.

    The Provider shall be entitled to use the “A” service window without limitation, including work that results in the failure of a large part of the network, which may limit or interrupt the provision of the Service.

    Service Window “B” is used to carry out work that cannot be carried out during night hours, including work that may result in the failure of a large part of the network, which may limit or interrupt the provision of the Service.

    The Provider is obliged to notify the Subscriber of its intention to use the Service Window at least one week in advance.

VI. Network security

  1. The user may use only the IP address space allocated by the provider on its servers in shared segments. It is not allowed to use other IP addresses, other netmasks or private IP ranges. The use of MAC addresses that are not globally unique (MAC addresses with the Locally administered address bit set and virtual MAC addresses, such as those used by VRRP and XEN) is only possible after prior consultation with the provider. All changes on the ethernet segment are recorded and archived. Violation of this rule will result in deactivation of the corresponding port on the provider’s switch.
  2. The provider shall be entitled to immediately disconnect from the data network any server that threatens the provider’s infrastructure by its behaviour, sends spam or tries to compromise others, especially if the server becomes part of a (D)DoS attack.
  3. It is not allowed to run a DHCP server or IPv6 RA in shared segments.

VII. Getting and using the access chip

  1. A user who is entitled to a chip for the range of services used will receive one free of charge. Upon receipt, he/she shall sign the acceptance protocol.
  2. The user is obliged to comply with the rules set out in these operating regulations.
  3. If the user will no longer use the chip, he/she is obliged to return it to the provider at his/her own expense.
  4. The user is obliged to handle the chip in such a way as to prevent its misuse, theft or loss to the maximum extent possible.
  5. The user is obliged to immediately report any loss or theft to the provider.
  6. In case of loss or theft, the provider shall charge the User a contractual penalty of CZK 10,000 excluding VAT.

VIII. Final provisions

  1. By entering the Data Centre, the Visitor is bound by these operating rules.
  2. These operating rules may be changed by the provider at any time without prior notice. The current version of the regulations is available in paper form at the entrance to the Data Centre.

Effective from 5 November 2024

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